Key Features
Document Upload
Easily upload and process your documents to train your AI model.
Link Processing
Add web links to expand your AI's knowledge base effortlessly.
AI Chat Interface
Interact with your trained AI model through a user-friendly chat interface.
How It Works
- 1
Create a Project
Start by creating a new project for your AI model.
- 2
Add Your Data
Upload documents or add links to train your AI model.
- 3
Chat and Get Insights
Interact with your AI through the chat interface and gain valuable insights.
Simple Pricing
Perfect for individuals
- 1 Project
- 100 Document Uploads
- 500 Chat Messages
Great for small teams
- 5 Projects
- 500 Document Uploads
- 2500 Chat Messages
For large organizations
- Unlimited Projects
- Unlimited Document Uploads
- Unlimited Chat Messages